The Heart Specialist

is Dave's blog for people who want to live more consciously.

It's all about reconnecting to your heart.

More acts of kindness


"O, wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't."

                                                William Shakespeare, The Tempest


More acts of kindness

Since my last post, I must tell you I've been using my rejeuvenated boots almost every day to support me as I plod around Churchill Gardens in Salisbury to perform my part in the open air production of Shakespeare's play, The Tempest, which takes place in several locations around the park.


This involves a little bit of walking (the longest stretches I do in a borrowed mobility scooter), quite a lot of standing and even some acting as well as some singing, and the toll it has taken on my feet has been considerable.


I  have been in nine performances, each almost two and a half hours long and my wonderful boots came to my rescue every time and without them I could not have coped. So once again, thank you Mr. shoe repair man for your kind assistance.


While I'm at it, also thanks to the man at Shopmobility Salisbury for the loan of the mobility scooter, and the incredible Sara of Salisbury Creative who had the presence of mind to organise the loan of said scooter. Couldn't have coped without that either.


Finally the weather has been unbelievably kind too. Almost unbroken sunshine and no rain for the whole fourteen day run, including dresss rehearsals, which was a blessing and I am sure gave a boost to our audience figures. An open air production in these lattitudes is a huge risk!


So many kind people in Salisbury...


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